How to Use PPC to Get More Sales

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Contrary to popular belief, PPC campaigns never make money. It’s marketing. All you do is spend money.

I think I’ll go buy that product now.” You spend money on advertising in order to generate interest in your product or service, with the ultimate goal being increased sales. However, people don’t typically make buying decisions based on ads they’ve seen; rather, they decide whether or not to buy a product after considering many factors. Have some money.”

PPC is always reliant on someone or something else to generate a sale. For some companies, they sell their products on a landing page or eCommerce site. For some people, sales depend on a traditional sales team or a physical store.

PPC is most effective when it is designed to help facilitate sales, no matter how the final sale ends up happening. In this article, we’ll discuss several ways to increase sales effectiveness, with a focus on how to generate high-quality leads for sales teams.

Set Yourself Up For Success

How can you turn marketing and sales into a powerful combination? Here are few opportunities to consider:


Sales-focused ads are written with the sole purpose of achieving a specific goal. Your ad’s goal should align with where in the sales funnel you are targeting your audience. Every element of your ad, from the keywords to the landing page, should be created with that goal in mind.

For example, the bigger your keyword list, the harder it is to match your ad copy to the intent of the search that triggered your ad. A large keyword list makes it more difficult to create relevant ads, which can lead to a lower quality score. Narrowing your keywords down to a select few, and then writing your ad copy to reflect those keywords, lets you see which searches actually lead to sales.

This means that your ads and your landing page should be closely related in order to keep your visitors engaged. Again, make sure your landing page reflects the same purpose that your ad had, as that is what got the reader to click in the first place. ” Having a poor match between your landing page and the message that brought the customer there is the equivalent of saying “I don’t really want you to buy”. I just wanted to be able to pay you for clicking on my ad.

If you’re using Unbounce, you can use their dynamic keyword insertion option to change the headline and content of your whole page based on the clicked ad. To change your Final URL in Google Ads, simply edit your ad and update the URL in the “Final URL” field.

If you are bidding on terms that are further down the funnel, it is often more effective to use your ad copy to qualify your customer. You could also raise your bid for more specific terms You don’t want to pay for a lot of clicks that are not relevant to what you are advertising, so if you need to be exposed to a wider audience, make sure your ad copy is specific enough to filter out irrelevant clicks. You could also raise your bid for more specific terms.

This strategy could improve your click-through-rate, but it could also lower your quality score, so you need to consider how and why you would use it. When using keywords, ads, and landing pages, it is usually more effective to keep them focused on the intent of what you are selling.

Nurture Your Leads

Lead nurturing is a very effective way to increase the profitability of your PPC efforts. unification of your sales and marketing teams’ efforts.

A friend of mine once said that the psychology of online marketing is like this: “Companies are extroverts and people are introverts.” Most people need some time before they’re ready to make a purchase.

An email drip campaign can create extra sales for leads that take their time to convert. Although MailChimp is only about $10 a month, it integrates well with most CRM tools. Therefore, there are no good excuses for not having some sort of lead nurturing program.

Work with Your Sales Team

Sales teams present an additional challenge to the sales-marketing relationship. PPC can be an effective way to generate leads, but only if there is great communication between marketing and sales.

This client runs a business in the tech industry. They hired us to increase their return-on-investment and we were doing a great job based on what we could tell! We managed to reduce their cost-per-lead by half while also increasing their lead volume.

The PPC campaign looked good, but it was actually producing poor quality leads. We looked at all the numbers and they looked good, but we weren’t seeing how much time our low-quality leads were costing the sales team.

Sales costs increased sharply, and marketing’s success caused profitability to decline.

We quickly realized what the problem was and were easily able to solve it with a couple changes. We kept close contact with sales so that we could prevent another situation where they got too far ahead of us. We introduced a new metric, “revenue-per-lead,” which allows us to evaluate the quality of leads in a more relevant way.

The moral of the story? The more your PPC account manager and salespeople understand each other, the more successful your results will be. Ideally, sales and marketing should understand and be aligned around these three questions:


Different marketing channels can produce different types of leads, and each type of lead can come at a different cost. Paid search leads are generally high intent leads, but they can also be some of the most expensive leads. Other ads that are higher up in the funnel but cost less money include paid social ads and display network ads.

The PPC account manager is typically aware of the origins of the leads and how much they cost; however, if the sales team is uninformed of how or why the leads were acquired, it becomes more challenging for them to give an adequate response.

An educated sales team is more likely to be successful in closing deals with leads from different sources. This information is important in deciding which ads to run and at what budgets.


Crosstalk between the PPC account manager and sales team can help improve communication between the two fields. However, there may be some challenges in coordinating the two fields. Online marketing deals with averages and statistics. Sales, on the other hand, is highly individualized.

The sales process for leads is often quite subjective and heavily dependent on the specific team or salesperson. The variability and subjectivity of data can make it very difficult for account managers to make decisions.

I strongly recommend creating a purely objective approach to lead scoring in order to develop measurables for the sales team’s efforts that the account manager can use.


Sales teams are coin-operated by nature. Although there is nothing wrong with being primarily motivated by personal gain, it is important to understand that this is what motivates your salespeople. What employees want is not always what is best for the company.

Overfeeding your sales team with leads can be expensive and decrease your ROI from marketing.

It is a well-known fact that most Amazon sellers struggle with Amazon Sponsored Products Campaign. Although it is simple to create and launch a campaign, the real challenge is to optimize it with each subsequent iteration for increased visibility, efficiency, and effectiveness. This is where most people make serious PPC mistakes that increase their ACoS without delivering sizeable returns on their investments. Even if you have a good product and your listing copy is excellent, you will need specific Amazon PPC strategies to make the most out of your ad campaigns.

We have created this guide to help you understand how to use Amazon Advertising to grow your business. These tips will help you increase the exposure of your brand in the market while driving traffic and sales to your listings.

Tip 1: Start at the Bottom and Work Your Way Up with Keywords

This also applies to Amazon Sponsored Products. If you’re planning to advertise your product on Amazon, you should start by targeting long-tail keywords. This will help you get the most out of your campaign. You should only move up to more general keywords after you have become successful with more specific, long-tail keywords.

The reason this PPC strategy is effective is that new sellers will have a difficult time competing against well-established market players. You should avoid targeting highly searched keywords at the beginning because they usually come with high competition and CPC. You won’t get any exposure for your brands if you do this, and you’ll just end up wasting a lot of money.

Tip 2: Rank Optimization Through Amazon PPC

We put together this strategy to try to make your product’s Amazon listing show up higher in the search results page for a given keyword. The goal is to have three separate ad campaigns with different bids and budgets.

The amount of money spent on a keyword and the budget given to it is based on how high up that keyword’s listing is in Amazon’s search results for that query.

Tip 3: Adjust Your Bids by Ad Placements

This PPC strategy allows for more control of ad appearance and how much is paid for them. You should adjust your bids based on where your ad is placed.

Tip 4: Group Variations Together for Improved Visibility and Brand Awareness

If there are different versions of your product, they will probably be listed as child ASINs. If you have a limited budget for your ad campaign, it may not be feasible to run a separate campaign for each individual variation. Additionally, your variations may end up competing against each other for the ads. You could avoid product cannibalization with your PPC campaigns.

Tip 5: Run Campaigns for Your Top Child ASIN

If your variations are not performing well, you can create a PPC campaign for only the top-performing variation. The PPC strategy will work well as long as the variations are listed as child ASINs.

Tip 6: Target Alternative/Indirect Keywords

The best way to do this is to make sure that the product’s title is interesting and keyword rich. There is a way to make sure your product is well positioned on Amazon, and that is by making the title interesting and full of keywords. If you can make your product’s features and benefits sound appealing in your description, you’ll get a lot more people interested in it.

Tip 7: Structure Ad Campaigns Based on Product Performance

We often base our ad campaigns on how well certain keywords perform. If a keyword in an auto campaign is doing well, we’ll move it to manual so we can have more control over bids and daily budget. This strategy has improved product ranking on Amazon, but it can be difficult to control the Advertising Cost of Sale (ACoS) because some products require more clicks to make a sale.

Instead of creating ad campaigns based on keywords, consider basing them on how well a product performs.

Tip 9: Target Your Own Products Through Product Targeting Ads

This Amazon PPC strategy is a way to get exposure for your products on Amazon. This is a beta feature called Product Targeting ads. Basically, if you are selling a product, you can use this option to target customers who have also bought that product or products in the same category. Think Product Display Ads but with more control. You can target ads to specific product pages by ASIN.

Why spend on Amazon PPC Campaigns?

The sponsored products are designed to target buyers who are specifically looking for the relevant keywords. It is a logical and affordable plan. You’re not taking a risk by paying for clicks instead of impressions because you’re only paying when someone clicks on your ad. This type of advertising is called a click campaign. The click takes the buyer directly to your product. Making your products more visible online will increase sales, introduce new customers, and provide opportunities for seasonal promotions.


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