The ABCs of Social Media Marketing

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The alphabet is one of the first things we learn in life. As we grow older, we learn more complicated concepts, like social media marketing.

In this article, we’re going to blend the two and look at 26 keys to social media marketing success: the ABCs of social media marketing:

A) Advertising

Total global spending on social advertising is expected to increase to US $153,698 million in 2021. There’s no denying that paid social media is essential to standing out from the crowd. If you use user generated content in your social media advertising campaigns, you can increase your click-through rate and reduce your ad spending. This can also save you time and money on creative production.

If you’re looking to promote your business on social media, ads are a great way to reach a larger audience and target potential customers. Ads allow you to specifically target people who are most likely to be interested in your product or service, whether they already know about your business or not.

B) Brand Awareness

Brand awareness is the degree to which customers are able to recognize a brand in different settings and conditions. One way to increase brand awareness is to engage with your community and repost content on social media sites.

C) Competitions

Contests are a terrific way to energize your community and inspire them to post great content. As long as a competition fits your brand, it can include physical prizes or just the opportunity to be voted ‘pick of the week.’

D) Data analytics

You can’t improve your social media marketing strategy if you don’t keep track of your data. From analyzing your data, you can learn a lot about your website traffic, such as where it’s coming from, where it’s going, what interests them, and what conversion path they take. However, with the right data, you can learn almost everything you want to know.

E) Engagement

Engagement is crucial to social media marketing. In other words, if people aren’t interacting with your social media marketing, you’re not doing your job correctly.

This means that if you want your posts to be seen by more people, you need to get more engagement. In order to engage your audience, post content that they are interested in and active at the time they are online. A call to action can also help facilitate this.

F) Funnel

When you are developing a social media strategy, it can be helpful to think in terms of a social media funnel. The awareness stage is at the top of the marketing funnel and it works its way down to a sale.

A funnel can help you decide what actions to take, what kinds of posts to share, who to target, etc. at each level or stage of your funnel.

G) Geotargeting

Social media marketing works best when you geotarget. Geotargeting can help you exclude customers who are outside of your business’ limits. For example, if you have a language barrier, you can use geotargeting to target customers who speak the same language as you.

H) Hashtags

Hashtags play an important role in any social media marketing strategy, both by helping to label content and making it discoverable to users. If you want to get your fans involved, we recommend setting up designated hashtags, such as #myIKEA or #PimkieXme. Hashtags are a great way to collect content as well.

Hashtags help your customers and target audience find you. People use Twitter and Instagram to find information about the things they are interested in by searching for hashtags. In order to increase the reach of your hashtags, use common, short hashtags. Hashtags are used on Twitter for twitter chats, which are live chats focused on a general topic.

I) Influencer

Without influencers, social media would not be as successful. If you want to start a social media campaign or set the tone for the content you would like to see from fans, consider using influencer posts. Influencers’ promoted posts are likely to inspire their followers, who will likely mimic the content.

You have to be active by posting often, relevant by posting content that appeals to your target audience, and engaging by responding to comments and messages. If you want to be a social media influencer, you have to be active by posting often, relevant by posting content that appeals to your target audience, and engaging by responding to comments and messages. To become an influencer, you should follow people who are relevant to your interests, post content that is related to what you’re talking about, and interact with the people who are following you. This will build trust in your brand and product.

J) Jargon

I’m sure that at some point we have all read a company’s website and despite having finished reading it, we still could not understand what the company was about. If you use too many fashionable words and phrases, your customers will think you’re trying to sell them something and they will be turned off.

It is important to use language that your audience will understand. I have to be careful about using acronyms like CPA (cost per acquisition) around my accountant friends because they might think I’m talking about a Certified Public Accountant.


A key performance indicator is a quantifiable measure of how well a company is doing over time, based on specific objectives. KPIs are very important in marketing, and it can be difficult to track metrics like reach, engagement, and assisted orders if you don’t have a platform that includes everything. KPIs, or key performance indicators, are an important tool for measuring the success of your social media marketing campaign. By setting KPIs at the beginning of your journey and evaluating them monthly, you can ensure that your campaign is on track and making the progress you want it to.

L) Location tags

Instagram location tags help you keep track of content by geographical area and points of interest. This can be useful for things like finding a popular lookout spot or tracking down a local business. Many tourism brands love to share authentic content from across their whole region to highlight how visitors are experiencing it. Additionally, tagging your location on Instagram can help with discoverability for your brand.

M) Mobile

Since so many people use social media on their mobile phones, it is important to be aware of the potential risks. We do this when we’re waiting for something, have some free time, or want to kill some time in the morning.

If your content isn’t optimized for mobile devices, it won’t be effective.

N) Niche

To be successful at social media marketing, you need to focus on a specific target audience. Some people will not care about your product or service, so you shouldn’t bother trying to reach everyone on social media. However, if you can focus on a specific target, you will be able to remain visible to the group of people who matter to you most.

The 80/20 rule is a good idea to follow after you have found your niche. You should post 80% of your content within your niche, and 20% in other areas, to show that you are a well-rounded specialist in your field.

O) Objective

If you’re not working towards a specific goal with your social media marketing, you’re just doing it for the sake of doing it. An objective allows you to have a clear purpose for each post you make, desired outcomes, engagement or benefits for your audience, who you are targeting, and when you want to reach them.

P) Pictures

A picture is worth a thousand words. In other words, a picture is worth a thousand words. If you want to be successful in social media marketing, you need to post images, infographics, gifs, and videos that will make your audience want to engage.

Q) Quizzes/Questionnaires

One way to engage your audience is by asking them questions. Lots of questions. How do they like the product? How do they like you? In other words, if you want to get something out of social media, you need to put something into it first. If you want your engagement numbers to go up, regularly interact with your followers.

R) Reach and ROI

I have talked about reach many times without actually saying it. But here it gets its own letter.

Reach is the number of people who see your social media posts. Your reach will increase if you post content that is interesting to the right people at the right time.

If you want more people to see your posts, use hashtags to make them more visible. Also, create content that your existing fans will want to share with others, and continue to grow your fan base.

And of course, increasing your reach will help you achieve the “R” you probably care most about – return on investment. A key metric for success is Return on Investment. You need to be able to track and measure results to prove the value of any marketing strategy.

S) Social Proof

Your customers are helping to advertise your brand by posting photos and videos of your products, tagging you in posts, or engaging with your brand in other ways on social media. The positive response from other customers to social proof will help improve your public image. It’s important to get social proof and spread it around so that new customers, who may not be as familiar with your brand, will see it.

T) Trust

Trust goes hand-in-hand with social proof. A brand that is transparent and honest with its customers about its opinions and feelings, inspire trust. When it comes to finding out about products and services, reviews and recommendations from the public are much more believable and relatable than corporate copy and staged photos.


This point ties back to your data analytics. The more UTM parameters you include in your URL, the more effectively you will be able to track your results. If you want to be successful at social media marketing, it’s important to track your progress and analyze your posts. This may not feel natural at first, but it will help you improve your skills.

V) Value

The premise is that people will follow social media accounts that provide them with something of value. If the content you provide is not interesting or useful to your followers, they will go to someone else who provides content that is more useful or interesting to them.

W) Who Is Your Audience?

I realize that this is testing the limits of the letter W, but you had to know that it would come up at the end of the alphabet.

I’ve touched on the topic of audience several times throughout this article, but I want to mention it again. Audience is everything in social media. If you’re not sure who your target audience is, why you’re targeting them, or how you’re targeting them, your social media efforts probably won’t do much for your business.

Keep your audience in mind when creating social media marketing content. Your content should be focused on them, not on you.

X) eXamples

Case studies, testimonials, how-to’s, etc. are examples that show your audience that you are knowledgeable and that there are others who can attest to your credibility. The most popular blog posts and website pages on our site feature examples of businesses we’ve helped, or showcase the strategies and statistics we’ve used.

Y) Yesterday

Another stretch, I know. There are several reasons why social media posts from yesterday are still relevant.

An example of this would be learning from the past in order to improve social media efforts today.

If you missed something newsworthy yesterday, it’s not too late to post about it today.

This is similar to the saying “today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday”. It means that you should live in the present and not worry about the future. Any day is a good day to start using social media. If you don’t become a viral thought leader right away, you will gradually gain the audience and engagement discussed in this article.

Z) Gen Z

This is the first generation to never have known a world without the internet. This generation is used to technology and expects brands to be more authentic and aware of social issues when they interact with them online.


Now that you know the basics of social media, won’t you come and practice with me?

Social media can be tailored to however big or small you want it to be. You can spend a lot of time on it, or just a few minutes a week.

Project Management website has outlined 26 things that you can do to make social media work for you, regardless of how much time you can invest. Let me know how it goes!


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