How to Increase ROI and Manage Your Brand Smartly

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Sometimes people who work in marketing and eCommerce get caught up in details that aren’t important. They become so focused on the individual tasks that they lose sight of the company’s overall mission and goals. When companies lose sight of their target audience and the main pain points that their product solves, they fail to connect with customers. This can happen when the tactics a business employs are no longer effective.

A marketing strategy is not an old document that you put on a shelf and forget about. It’s a vital process of discovering your company’s top goals and objectives, and ways to achieve them. It’s a way to find out what your company wants to achieve, and how it can achieve those goals. That becomes a blueprint for everything you do to better market your product or service.

What is the importance of marketing strategy?

1. Define your brand value and offering

The purpose of your brand strategy is to ensure that your brand’s core values are aligned with what your prospects and customers find important, that they are aligned with industry trends and the competitive environment, and that they match what you actually offer.

It’s not easy to do, but if you don’t, all the other marketing tasks become more difficult.

2. Identify customer pain points and expectations

If you want your product or service to be successful, you need to identify your customers’ pain points. This means that the product does not fill a need or want for the customer, or does not solve a problem they are facing. Not only do customer needs vary from individual to individual, but they may also change over time. Therefore, it’s important to constantly examine the customer journey and look for ways to solve customer challenges.

5 easy steps to identify your customer’s pain point

What are some methods for identifying customer pain points for your company and product? The following suggestions will help you get on the right path.

Create a customer journey map

What makes your customers buy your product? How did they arrive at your physical or online store? What are the channels that led them to your website? The channels that led them to your website includes a search result, a Facebook ad, a social media post, an email, and other online and physical media. When you are trying to improve your product, it is important to keep in mind what might be causing pain points for your customers, and what motivates them to use your product. This way, you can target areas that need improvement and make sure that you are appealing to what your customers want and need. This will also help you evaluate your marketing mix and see if there are any channels that you need to add in order to be more effective.

Survey your customers

One way to identify customer pain points is by surveying your customers. What do your customers like and don’t like about your product? What factors led them to choose your product? There are a lot of survey tools you could use like Typeform or SurveyMonkey.

Look at customer reviews

If you are thinking of launching a new product you should research your potential customer base to see what reviews they have of your existing products. This will give you a lot of information about what your customers like, what they expect, and what their pain points are. The use of visual reviews, in the form of photos or videos, is particularly powerful for eCommerce sites. You can use tools like Pixlee, Yotpo, or Loox to find and display customer reviews in the form of pictures.

Ask your sales team

Your sales team can be a good resource for finding your customer’s pain points. Your sales people are disappointed by the objections prospects and customers have to your products or services. Bring your sales team together for a meeting to talk about current sales goals and strategies. Try to find out what your customers like/dislike about your product, what are the issues that they bring up the most, and what makes them turn down the product. If you have a marketing team that talks directly to your customers, you could also ask them for feedback.

Study your competitors

Conducting a competitor analysis is essential to understanding the other businesses in your industry and how to best position yourself against them. Netflix and Apple began with the goal of making a product that was better than what was currently available. Identify where you are, what your market position is. Look at all your competitor products, their marketing mix, the type of promotion and media they publish, and their strategies. Identify the pain points that they are solving and ones that are still unresolved. One way to improve your business is to try to solve the same problems that your competitors are solving, but to do it in a better way. One way to be successful is to focus on areas that are still problematic and develop something new that people have never seen.

The next topic is creating a competitive analysis. Creating a marketing strategy plan is crucial because it’s the step where you figure out what sets your product or service apart from the competition. SWOT Analysis A SWOT analysis is a simple but powerful tool to help you understand your brand. It can help you determine your brand’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. If you don’t take this step, it will be very hard to make a product that is appealing and useful to customers, and that can keep up with the current market trends. So this analysis is crucial and this is how you go about it:

Identify your competitors

The first step in conducting a competitive analysis is to identify your competitors. What are the other companies that offer similar products and services? You can learn about a company’s reputation by looking at their social media content, searching in related or niche online communities, and reading news mentions and product reviews.

Categorize your competitors

You should now categorize your competitors according to the following criteria. There are three types of competitors: primary, secondary, and tertiary. This will help you understand which competitor is your direct competition, and whom you should focus your analysis on.

Take a look at their social media and branding

This includes their: – Location – Target market – Key marketing strategies – Areas of weaknesses and strengths The next step of the competitive analysis is to research your competitors in order to learn as much as possible about them. This includes their: – Location – Target market – Key marketing strategies – Areas of weaknesses and strengths Look at all the social media pages’ content and branding they use on their site and email campaigns. This will help you understand how your product or service is different from theirs and what their brand positioning is. Check out the influencer marketing campaigns of the brand to see what kind of image they are trying to portray online. Focus on their display ads (owned media) and user-generated content (earned media).

4. Create your value proposition

Now that you have your story straight, it’s time to build the right strategy for your marketing. You need to make decisions about what you are going to sell and to whom you are going to sell it.

The product or service that a company offers is usually the best indication of what that company’s brand is about. A brand’s hands-on experience is vital to how potential customers perceive it. Make sure that your actions reflect the values that you claim to have. This will help ensure that what you are offering is consistent with what you believe.

5. Identify your target audience

Who you want to target with your brand could change how you present it and even the language you use.

Defining your personas is a tool that can help you understand your ideal customer. To do this, you need to ask yourself who your target customer is and what the smallest details are.

To define your main persona you can use this question list:

  1. Who is my persona? Is he a male or is she a female? What age is he or she? Name your persona and attach a photo so it will be easier for you to plan your messaging accurately.
  2. What is my persona initial state of mind? – his or her emotions and thought before starting the decision-making process?
  3. What are the different stages of his or her decision-making process until purchase?

How DAM Can Help Improve Your ROI

The right digital asset management software can help you improve your return on investment.

So, how does a DAM software work?

A DAM is like a Central database for every asset and file you have created or purchased for your brand.

If you need an asset, like a logo, a DAM system can help you find it quickly by searching for keywords. Ah, pure bliss.

You’ll never have to email or call anyone again and chase them around for information. ” In a world where everyone has quick and easy access to the same creative content, no one would have to ask where to find an image because it would be easy to locate. Can you check with the team to see if they still have that banner ad? I’m not sure, so let me check and then I’ll get back to you.

But, as we mentioned, the best DAM software won’t just store your assets; it will also allow you to share them easily with your team, clients, and partners. This tool will also help you manage and keep track of your digital assets, so that you can see how each one is performing in terms of return on investment.

Asset management can be a time-consuming process, but using a digital asset management (DAM) system can help improve your return on investment (ROI) by making it easier to get your best-performing marketing and branding assets out into the world.

DAM Solution for Brands Everywhere

What other benefits can DAM software provide that would improve your return on investment?

Here are a few ways that MediaBeacon can help your business be more effective and see a higher return on investments for your campaigns.

Manage and Collaborate

Keeping everyone on the same page is a difficult task for businesses. Managers and business owners want to find a process where everyone understands what is happening and there is no confusion.

With MediaBeacon, that dream can become a reality. MediaBeacon enables global teams to collaborate within a single system, regardless of location. MediaBeacon provides a service that helps businesses whose operations expand to multiple locations stay synchronized. It is very important that teams communicate effectively, as miscommunication can be very costly.

– Designers will be able to access assets and tasks directly from their creative software. If you’re not familiar with the creative team or don’t have any design experience, it may be difficult to understand how helpful that can be for them in terms of being effective at work.

Distribute and Track

Our software helps you keep tabs on your assets so that you can ascertain their ROI and lifetime value. This means that you can change your plans to make sure you are hitting your revenue goals.

Store, Search, and Control

You can use the saved search feature to keep track of assets that you use frequently or that meet certain criteria. MediaBeacon’s digital management tools help you avoid copyright infringement by controlling who has access to assets and enforcing expiration dates.

Other ROI Tips

A-B Test Frequently

A-B testing is the best way to ensure you are seeing the ROI you want. This is especially helpful when deciding between one option or another. You can test two different styles of banner ads or two different package designs to see which ones are most effective, and then change your strategies accordingly. By doing this, you will save money on ads that don’t work and avoid using packaging that would discourage customers.

Don’t Be Afraid of a Big Sales Push

ROI can be increased simply by selling more. Okay, it’s not nearly as easy as it sounds. It is definitely worth putting more effort into sales as it will improve your ROI. As Mark Cuban once said, “Sales cures all.”

Identify Metrics That Relate to ROI

Not every metric is created equally. What metric will have a greater impact on ROI for a website, the number of users who visit the site’s blog or the number of users who visit a specific product page? The number of visitors to your product page is more important than the number of visitors to your blog, because they are more likely to make a purchase. Prioritize the ROI-centric metrics to increase ROI. If you have a website with a blog, you can try to get blog users to go to your product pages by writing effective calls to action.


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