When it comes to online marketing, the one thing you can be sure about is that it is constantly changing. To achieve marketing success this year, you need to be aware of the latest marketing trends. Marketing plans need to reflect an understanding of the ever-changing digital space if brands are to stay relevant. The…
How to Use PPC to Get More Sales
Contrary to popular belief, PPC campaigns never make money. It’s marketing. All you do is spend money. I think I’ll go buy that product now.” You spend money on advertising in order to generate interest in your product or service, with the ultimate goal being increased sales. However, people don’t typically make buying decisions based…
Top 6 Artificial Intelligence Trends in 2022
AI is one of the technologies that is changing the modern world. The use of artificial intelligence is still growing according to McKinsey’s Global Survey in 2021. 56% of all surveyed business representatives stated that their companies use AI in at least one function, and this number has been increasing steadily since 2020. Slightly over…
TOP 10 CMOs: The most Disruptive and Influential
Influence is often thought of as a sign of attraction, and marketing is a tool that is often used to gain attention. And yet, some do it better than the rest. What is influence? We see the CMO’s role as the impact of their actions and words on the organization, both internally and externally. This…