The 9 Email Marketing KPIs You Need to Track for Success

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Using electronic mail for promotional purposes is an effective way for companies of all sizes to realize their objectives. It can be tricky to figure out which metrics are paramount since there are so many to keep an eye on.

You can increase the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns by monitoring these quantifiable metrics, allowing you to adjust and better the output.

What are KPIs?

Performance measurement can be done using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Organizations frequently employ metrics in order to determine advancement or achievement and create objectives.

Why are KPIs important?

Reasons for the significance of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are plentiful.

What are some good KPIs examples?

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) may be either monetary or non-monetary, depending on the specific business or organization.

Examples of financial KPIs are:

Examples of non-financial KPIs include:

How do you choose KPIs?

Things to contemplate when selecting KPIs include a few elements.

The first is to consider what your goals are. Once you identify your objectives, you can pick out KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) that will aid in assessing your advancement towards your objectives. You should also ensure that your Key Performance Indicators are attainable and feasible.

In conclusion, you should decide on KPIs that are applicable and important to your team and those involved.

Email marketing KPIs

Sending out emails is an effective way for companies of all sizes to promote their products/services. Getting the desired outcome from email marketing needs more than simply sending out a few emails.

Mail advertising is one of the most excellent advertising methods, yielding a strong yield on investment. It is understandable why advertisers are continuously trying to devise methods to boost the economic worth of their email subscribers over time.

Marketers must follow certain email metrics in order to maintain an uninterrupted income flow. In this article, we will uncover the ten essential email marketing KPIs which you must monitor in order to meet your monetary ambitions.

Why is it important to analyze email marketing KPIs?

On average, fifteen times a day, professionals access their email, making it a widely used online activity.

The use of email as a marketing tool yields an incredible return of investment that is more than four thousand times its original value.

In order to be able to recognize the outcomes of your email marketing activities, you should be keeping tabs on the most important email marketing KPIs (key performance indicators). By doing this, you will be able to figure out what is successful and what is not, allowing you to make the modifications that are needed.

The Email Marketing KPIs You Need to Know and Track

Let’s take a look at 9 essential email marketing KPIs that need to be monitored closely. These are definitely worth the read, so buckle up!

  1. Bounce rate
  2. Email Delivery Rate
  3. Open rate
  4. Unique Open rate
  5. Click-through rate
  6. Conversion rate
  7. List Growth Rate
  8. Overall ROI
  9. Unsubscribe rate

1. Bounce Rate

Are your emails arriving in the inboxes of your customers? This metric gauges the amount of emails that were sent and successfully delivered to a user’s inbox.

Two different kinds of bounces that may occur:

The shipment will be sent back if the delivery is unsuccessful.

A high number of bounced emails may be an indication that your contact list consists of outdated or bogus email addresses. This typically transpires if individuals do not tidy or get the items they need.

How to prevent high email bounce rates

There are a few things you can do to avoid high email bounce rates:

By adhering to these guidelines, you can avoid a high rate of emails bouncing back and make sure your communications are reaching the intended recipients.

How to calculate it

To calculate your bounce rate, take the number of bounced emails and divide it by the total emails sent, then multiply the result by 100. For a website to be viewed as excellent, the bounce rate should be below 2%.

The percentage of emails that are sent and not opened can be calculated by dividing the amount of unopened emails by the total number of emails sent and multiplying the result by one hundred.

2. Email Delivery Rate

This measurement is also employed to suggest the capability to send the message to the person’s inbox, in the same way as the bounce rate.

The delivery rate looks at emails that have been received successfully in your inbox, whereas the bounce rate pays attention to emails that have been rejected.

The various influences that can have an impact on the successful delivery of email messages should be taken into consideration. They include the;

It is imperative for email marketers to monitor the correct email deliverability metrics so that any problems with the delivery of emails can be identified and fixed before they create serious harm to the campaign.

Approximately 95% of emails tend to be successfully sent. If the rate of emails delivered from your email marketing effort is less than 95%, some of the factors that might be causing it could be…

The rate at which emails arrive successfully to the proper recipients is referred to as the email deliverability rate. Raising your email deliverability rate is advantageous in both your personal and business contexts.

A higher rate of successful delivery means that more people will get your emails and be able to read them, which can result in better communication and stronger connections. A higher deliverability rate can open up new possibilities for commercial and social connections.

Here are some tips on how to improve your email deliverability rate:

  1. Use reliable email service providers.
  2. Keep your email list clean and up-to-date.
  3. Use a double opt-in process for new subscribers.
  4. Monitor your email sending reputation.
  5. Avoid spam triggers in your email content.

3. Open Rate

The number of people who opened the email you sent out is what this measure indicates.

It relies on how captivating your topic is, and what your business and image can provide.

If the measure is poor, you should analyze your email headlines and mailing list again.

You should strive for an open rate of no less than 20%!

So, how can you improve your subject lines?

4. Unique Open Rate

The amount of distinct people who opened your email is illustrated by your individualized open rate.

How is it different from a regular open rate?

If a customer accesses an email more than once, it would only be counted as one unique opening, but the overall count of times the email has been opened would be two.

This metric may refer to the opening time. It’s possible that the user’s initial experience when opening the email wasn’t satisfactory if they return to it. Maybe your material was so captivating that they eagerly wanted more of it!

How to improve email open rates

If your emails are rarely opened, there are various strategies you can use to elevate the open rate. We have outlined the most efficient approaches below.

  1. Use attention-grabbing subject lines
  2. Keep your sender name consistent
  3. Send your emails at the best time
  4. Optimize your email for mobile
  5. Personalize your emails
  6. Segment your list
  7. Test, test, test!

5. Click-Through Rate

This metric measures the proportion of people who clicked on at least one of the links in the email that was sent.

Achieving this outcome is typically the primary focus for email marketers. To get people to click on what you’re promoting. It may be any sort of visual material such as an infographic, blog post, or video.

By having a high clickthrough rate, this demonstrates that the individuals receiving your emails are intrigued by what you are sending them.

Try to keep your click-through rate above 4%.

How to improve your email click-through rate

If you would like your email click-through rate to raise, there are steps you can take to do so.

  1. Make sure your email subject line is clear and concise. People are more likely to open an email if they know what it’s about.
  2. keep your email content relevant to the subject line. If your marketing email doesn’t match the subject line, people are less likely to click through.
  3. Use images and other visuals to break up your text and make your email message more visually appealing.

How to calculate email click-through rate

To find out your email click-through rate, divide the amount of link clicks by the amount of emails sent out, then multiply the answer by 100.

The percentage of people who clicked on a link can be calculated by taking the number of people who clicked the link and dividing it by the amount of emails sent out that were successfully delivered, and multiplying that number by one-hundred.

6. Conversion Rate

Conversion rate signifies the amount of subscribers that clicked on the email link and accomplished the desired goal.

The wished for task can be anything from obtaining an electronic book, enrolling for a podcast, to signing up for a remote instruction.

The connection between conversion rate and call-to-action makes this metric particularly important to see if your objectives are being reached.

If your conversion rate is low, it could be a sign that your email marketing process is not as effective as it could be. If it’s high, it means everything’s good! Folks are keen to check out what you have to offer, and they’re eager to hear what your brand has to say!

It is noteworthy that the average Return On Investment of email marketing schemes is 124%. Which is way, way higher than social!

7. List Growth Rate

This measurement pertains to the pace at which your email list expands. By using this, you can examine the rate at which you are increasing your followers and amplifying your influence.

Benefits of a high email list growth rate

Growing your email list at a rapid rate can enable you to target a bigger crowd. Having a larger mailing list will give you the chance to spread your message to additional individuals and likely cause more prospects to turn into clients.

Additionally, a sharp increase in the number of people on an organization’s email list can be an indication of greater recognition and interest in the brand, and this could lead to more investors and clients. It is imperative that you keep track of it.

How to calculate it

The rate at which your email list is growing is calculated by working out the difference between the number of new subscribers and the number of people who have unsubscribed, then dividing it by the total amount of email addresses you have on your list, and multiplying this figure by 100.

8. Unsubscribe Rate

This metric evaluates the proportion of individuals who choose to opt out of your email list after receiving it.

It’s a double-edged sword.

Some marketers do not consider this to be a serious warning sign. You can concentrate on those who remain when customers choose to unsubscribe from your emails. Your list may as well be cleaning by itself!

You ponder if you have made a mistake.

It is perfectly standard if the rate at which people unsubscribe from your email list is below 0.2%. Just make sure it doesn’t hit above 0.5%!

It is possible that this metric may not give a precise indication of your brand’s condition since numerous users may not follow the unsubscribe procedure.

9.  Subscriber lifetime value

The projected profit that a business may make from one email patron throughout the time they stay connected with the enterprise is referred to as the Email subscriber lifetime value.

It is essential for email marketers to monitor this statistic, since it can help them work out the effectiveness of their email marketing endeavors and detect areas that require enhancement.

Benefits of tracking your subscribers’ lifetime value

Information regarding the long-term benefit of customers can be utilized to make marketing strategies more successful in multiple ways. Marketers can take advantage of this data in order to divide up their mailing lists and reach out to subscribers who could be likely to be advantageous customers.

They also have the ability to use lifelong worth information to craft material that is more appropriate and pertinent to their customers, which is probably going to be received better. Marketers can ultimately benefit from this data by tweaking their promotional efforts to increase their chances of a successful sale.

How to calculate your email subscriber lifetime value

To ascertain the total value of your email subscribers, one has to consider several elements, such as the normal span a subscriber stays on your list, the average purchases done by each subscriber, and the standard amount each purchase costs.

Taking into consideration all variables, you can acquire a solid understanding of the overall worth every subscriber to your business yields.

The amount of money that a person who has signed up for an email subscription will bring in over an extended period of time is equal to the average income that subscriber generates multiplied by the length of time that person remains an active subscriber minus any associated upkeep costs.

Your Emails Always Need to Be Engaging

People are looking for emails that are meaningful, pertinent, and of benefit to them in their inbox. If you are able to meet the standards set forth, you may be able to create a loyal, beneficial (and lucrative) enthusiastic readership that responds positively to your promotional materials.


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