Getting your voice heard in online marketing can be a difficult task. With the sheer volume of information and sources, it’s easy for the corporate marketer to have their official messages reach the audience. The message you put out needs to be clear,concise and able to hold the readers attention.The expert on your company,is you,…
How To Catch Someone’s Attention on LinkedIn
The professional oriented social media website, Linkedin, has started to diversify its services to its members. In 2017, the website published a report describing the topics members were most interested in. One of the most popular topics published by members was social media marketing. The best way to reach customers via social media is difficult…
Jaguar and Shell launch in-car app for cashless gas station payments
This app might help you if you had to get gas in a hurry and don’t want to waste time. Something like this has never been launched before but there are definitely practical reasons for it. This is also good because not everyone carries cash anymore. Many people handle their finances electronically. It is becoming…
The Most Powerful Brands In 2017
These brands have a lot of power and success right now. This tells you which they are so you can study and learn more about them. If you want your own brand to be powerful you can try to learn what they’re doing right. Many brands don’t succeed so if you can figure out what…