What is a lead magnet? Let’s start by nailing down the lead magnet definition: A lead magnet is an incentive offered to a potential customer in exchange for their email address. This incentive can be in the form of a valuable resource or service. They are used to generate sales and to build up an…
How to write an e-commerce marketing plan
What is eCommerce marketing? eCommerce is a term used to describe the act of buying and selling products or services over the internet. Ecommerce marketing is the process of driving traffic to an online store, converting that traffic into paying customers, and maintaining those relationships after purchase. Your eCommerce marketing plan shouldn’t just be limited…
10 ecommerce platform marketing features you can’t live without
Making a decision about which ecommerce platform to use for your business can be tough. There are many options to choose from and it can be difficult to determine which is the truth and which is just marketing. If you make the wrong decision when setting up your online shop, you could end up spending…
Direct-to-consumer: E-commerce marketing techniques for D2C brands
What Is Direct-To-Consumer? D2C Meaning & Definition Direct-To-Customer selling is a method used by producers and companies who offer consumer packaged items, where they sell the products straight to the customer instead of through a third party. It gets rid of the need for you to negotiate with a retailer or distributor about the price…