Most finance leaders know how important it is to have a good understanding of the finances of a growing organization. Studies have shown that only 55% of businesses make it to the 5 year mark – and often this is because they have not planned or managed their finances well. Spend visibility is the ability…
Are You Tapping Into The Spending Power Of Gen X?
It is difficult for marketers to gain customers. They use content marketing to attract customers and then send emails to try to persuade them to buy their product. It is even more difficult when trying to market a product to people of different ages because they will all respond differently to marketing techniques. For example,…
AI Advances Toward Marketing
It’s no surprise that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasing productivity in almost every industry it is adopted. The latest statistics show that current AI technology can boost business productivity by up to 40%. As new technologies become more widespread, market leaders are motivated to improve their efficiency by adopting AI. Businesses that invest in artificial…
10 Indispensable Tools For Remote Companies
Years ago, people who worked remotely were considered to have low-paying customer service jobs. However, as times have changed, more people are beginning to see remote work as a full-time career. With advances in technology, we are now able to do the same job from anywhere in the world. This change is requiring people all…