With the number of marketing books on the market, it may seem like there’s nothing more to say. But since marketing is all about what makes people tick, and people are always evolving, there are new things to discover and learn with every passing year. Whether it’s a shift in marketing medium, changes in what’s…
Let Customer Reviews Do the Work For You
When you’re planning a meal out for a special birthday or anniversary, how do you decide where to eat? You might go with an old favorite that you know you can rely on. But if you want to try something new, you’ll probably seek a recommendation. This recommendation could come from a friend or family…
Your About Us Page Could Be Suffering From These 6 Mistakes
After your homepage, the About Us page may be the most visited page on your website. And yet, too many companies treat this valuable real estate like an afterthought. They knock off a paragraph about their passion for making widgets or selling real estate and call it a day. This is a huge missed opportunity! …
6 Tips to Get Started with LinkedIn Marketing
Considered by some to be the stuffy cousin of the younger and hipper social media platforms, LinkedIn actually has some great features. You may not find food photos or videos of the hot new dance challenge…but what you will find are leads. In fact, 93% of marketers find LinkedIn to be their #1 method of…