One of the things that modern consumers want from digital marketing is personalization, as long as it’s done right. This can be overwhelming at times, especially for small business owners who believe they don’t have the resources needed to personalize. In reality, technology has made it easy for businesses of all sizes and types to…
Small Business Marketing
5 Small-Business-Friendly Ways to Improve Your Online Presence
Just how robust is your online presence? Are there plenty of channels that lead possible customers right to your website? Or are you “making do” with a basic Facebook page and a website that looks like it hasn’t been updated since hit counters were all the rage? “Online presence” is a blanket term for both…
8 Ways to Get More Sales Opportunities in Your Pipeline in 2021
After the year we’ve all had, seeing a much brighter economic forecast for the year ahead is music to our ears. Now is the time to make sure you’re ready to take advantage of it! Here are 8 things you can do today to make the most of your opportunities in the year ahead. Target…
5 Strategies for Business Growth as the Economy Begins to Open Back Up Again
The COVID19 pandemic has had a drastic impact on every industry. The retail industry was among those hit the hardest. As venturing outside quite literally became the difference between life and death, retail outlets were forced to shut down as governments across the globe struggled to get a grip on the virus. Even businesses that…