Businesses who use automation increase production and profits. Automation works well with product assembly, restaurant tasks, financial clerking, bookkeeping, telemarketing, shelf stocking, eCommerce packaging, technical field work, basic customer service, data entry, manufacturing line sorting, agricultural work, landscaping, ticket taking, hosting and seating, tax preparing, translation, basic cashiering, dispatching, and small repairs. Each of these…
Small Business Owners More Optimistic than General Public, Survey Says
A survey has come to the conclusion that small business owners are more optimistic than the general public. It looks as though heading into the new year, there is a lot of optimism among small business owners. The reasons for this new optimism are the new political landscape and also the employment market. Small Business…
Lights, Camera, Engagement: 2017 Is The Year Of Video Marketing
While quantity is nice in terms of the amount of video content available and the high numbers of rabid viewers, marketers will be looking at improving their targeting capability in 2017 just like they have done with regular content marketing. A deeper understanding about what videos draw viewers in, including what engages and resonates for…
Brands Are Not Ready For The Coming Tsunami Of Service Channels
Has your brand mastered Facebook? Probably. Are you responding to customer concerns through Twitter? It’s likely. But what about all of the new social media channels that are coming out, like Sina Weibo, WeChat, and countless others? There’s a new wave of social media and service channels getting ready to sweep the customer experience space,…