What Is AI? Less than a decade after helping the Allied forces win World War II by breaking the Nazi encryption machine Enigma, mathematician Alan Turing changed history a second time with a simple question: “Can machines think?” Turing’s 1950 paper “Computing Machinery and Intelligence” and its subsequent Turing Test established the fundamental goal and…
What Every CEO Should Know About Creating New Businesses
Not every CEO runs a major company. Some CEOs run small businesses. Regardless, the responsibility is still heavy. That said, attaining that CEO title probably won’t happen for quite a few years. Becoming a CEO takes many years of education and hard work building experience and connections. But the sooner the better. Many teenagers and…
What Entrepreneurs Get Wrong
For many entrepreneurs, the process of launching a company begins with the lightbulb moment when they conceive of a breakthrough idea for a new product or service. Very often, they are so passionate about the idea that they believe its merits will be self-evident to prospective customers—that the innovation is so obviously superior it will…
How to Build a Company That (Actually) Values Integrity
For decades, leaders were expected to focus on one thing: financial results. But we are now in the midst of an ethical revolution. Leaders are increasingly held accountable for poor behavior, and companies are pushed by employees, governments, and customers to step up and adopt a multi-stakeholder approach that serves social purposes as well as…