It’s also become clear that the process of innovation benefits greatly from diversity. It’s become clear that diversity is beneficial to the innovation process. And that calls for major doses of creativity. Although many leaders believe creativity is too difficult to manage, it is possible to do so. It’s true that you can’t manage creativity.…
6 Strategies to Help Your Company Weather Inflation
It is clear that the current inflation is not just a temporary phase. There is general agreement among economists and business leaders that the increases in prices due to supply chain problems will continue for most of this year, with the increases in prices for labor possibly becoming permanent. Even though the economy is not…
Winning the Race in Emerging Markets
The global business landscape has changed radically since the financial crisis of 2008–2009. But a fundamental reality remains: despite their volatility and differing economic fortunes, emerging markets are critical to the growth of global companies. While the pace is slower than it was in the precrisis years, the aggregate GDP of emerging markets is projected…
Making Social Ventures Work
Social entrepreneurship is a relatively fluid concept that covers a broad variety of organizations. There’s no definitive mold that says, “A socially entrepreneurial business generates X amount of revenue within the confines of a Y organizational structure for a Z type of cause.” For instance, both a mutual aid fund dedicated to assisting small businesses…