What makes an online business successful? Of the online startups that fail, 9 in 10 do so within the first three months. While eCommerce marketing failures can be attributed to a variety of reasons, an unoptimized eCommerce marketing strategy is the common denominator. If you don’t plan your marketing strategy, you will fail. The size…
B2B Marketing: How to Market Your Business Online
The internet has changed B2B marketing forever. In the past, B2B clientele was established through personal relationships. B2B companies can today market to businesses located anywhere in the world with a simple click. A plan is not a strategy. A budget is not a strategy. A tactic is not a strategy. No matter how successful…
Turnover in Marketing and Advertising Industry and How To Avoid It
It’s no secret that the advertising industry has a real problem with its talent. According to ANA and Forbes, the annual turnover rate is around 30%, the second-highest rate overall, after tourism. How do these numbers affect advertising agencies and the talent itself? What can we do as a collective, and as single agencies to improve retention? There are steps to be taken, we need to…
Psychological Backfiring: What No One Tells You About Neuromarketing
Grelad Zaltman, a Harvard professor, wanted to find out how much of the purchase decision-making process is done subconsciously. He was surprised to find that nearly all of the buying process is done unconsciously. The discipline of neuromarketing is relatively young, and studies like Zaltman’s contribute to its development. As it becomes more and more…