It is a mistake for companies around the world to think that simply having a superior product or service is sufficient for successfully keeping their customers. It’s unfortunate, but the fact is that it is just one of the means by which to market, and there are countless other plans for keeping customers. It is…
Looking for Influencer Marketing Services? Read This First.
Influencer marketing has become a widely accepted form of advertising on the internet. The concept of it has been extensively discussed for some time and the normal news sources often use it in their reporting. Despite this, there is still a deficiency of comprehension among some people regarding what influencer marketing is. People who are…
The Beginner’s Guide to Successful Email Marketing
Email cannot be brushed off as a simple way of communication that you might use professionally, or to keep in touch with your family. According to Campaign Monitor, 91% of consumers check their email once a day on their smartphone, at least. That statistic does not count how many times they check on their laptop,…
Social Media Marketing: How to evaluate the best Strategies?
In a marketer’s mind, social media comes at an instant when they think about digital marketing. The huge user base undoubtedly makes social media a lucrative marketing opportunity for them. However, social media marketing is not only about publishing contents. A lot of things- from setting the goals to managing multiple accounts come into play.…