Which salesperson would you be more likely to buy from? Think about a time when you were buying something and felt pressured by the salesperson. How did that make you feel? Now, think about a time when you were buying something and the salesperson was more laid-back. How did that make you feel? If you’re…
The Ultimate Guide to Your Net Promoter Score (NPS)
The Net Promoter Score is a metric that was introduced in 2003 by Fred Reichheld of Bain & Company. It is based on the idea of measuring customer loyalty and customer satisfaction. NPS was created by Reichheld as a way to measure customer loyalty that is generated by the experience a business offers. It has…
User research: How to tap your users for better UX
The research done in the industry is very important. The people who work in the industry ask questions and take notes so that they can learn more about their target audience. They then use this information to improve their work. UX research, also called design research, helps us understand our target audience and their needs,…
The evolving responsibilities of product management
The business environment is constantly changing. Your company lives within an environment of constantly evolving competitor abilities, advancing technology, and increasing user demands. Your company’s capabilities and resources fluctuate within this environment. There are many things that you cannot control, but if you adjust to your surroundings, you will be more likely to be successful…