There’s a major push in business schools to make entrepreneurship courses more realistic. In school, most outcomes are normally distributed. In a power law distribution, a few cases account for a large portion of the distribution’s total outcome. Because entrepreneurship classes are a stylized setting in which a normal distribution of outcomes is artificially imposed,…
Influencer Marketing: Sure, It?s Effective, But At What Price?
Influencer marketing is a very effective marketing tool, but at what price should you use it? One company paid a YouTube personality to talk up their game and it was something that people caught onto were not happy about. The YouTube person was paid tens of thousands of dollars to talk about the game. Key…
How to teach Gen Z to be collaborative, innovative and responsive
Collaboration, innovation and responsiveness are very important for success in business and in life in general. These can be hard traits to instill, though, and this recognizes that and gives some good ideas for how to do this with the new generation. If you want someone to be successful you should check this out so…
Digitally Savvy Leaders Needed To Chart Transformation Course
“Digital Transformation” has been a key business buzz-phrase for several years now, and there’s no sign of that changing. According to a recent Deloitte/MIT report, nine out of 10 managers believe their industries will be disrupted by digital, but just under half feel their organisations are adequately prepared to face the challenge. Key Takeaways: “Digital…