Creating a business plan will help you achieve your entrepreneurial goals. A clear and compelling business plan provides you with a guide for building a successful enterprise focused on achieving your personal and financial goals. It can also help persuade others, including banks, to invest in what you are creating. Analyze the potential markets for…
Does Influencer Marketing Actually Work? A HubSpot Blog Experiment
I tried my first run of influencer marketing when my mom got me a pair of ugly shoes in middle school. I gave a popular girl in my school a good pair of shoes. She started wearing them and people started liking my ugly pair. There are a few key concepts that are important that…
How to Write a Resume: The Ultimate Checklist of Resume Tips
There is a certain way to go about writing a resume. There is an ultimate checklist of resume tips that you will give you a great advantage with getting a job. A lot of people dread writing a resume, but it is necessary. Making sure that each item on your resume sounds professional is a…
Five Tips for Building Better Loyalty Emails
You own a business and it depends on building loyalty with customers and possible partners. In your mind, however, you are trying to figure out how’s you do just that. Well that’s not as hard as you might think. Just going to your computer, pulling up the business email, and writing a good email could…