Sales Funnel Websites Are Something To Think About Now

Are sales funnel websites on your mind? Well, it is a no-brainer that all businesses and brands today need a strong web presence. Over 4.5 billion people use the internet globally, so if your brand is not online, you miss out on a massive opportunity for exposure. But did you know that the average website is not properly optimized to reap all the benefits from those visitors?

So, what can you do to improve your website for visitors? Consider the concept of a sales funnel. It is a marketing system that helps move prospects through a sales process. Not only does it improve the user experience, but it is also specifically designed to convert more visitors into customers using a specially strategized and automated process.

Do you want more results from your website? When your website acts as a sales funnel, it benefits both the end-user and your business. Here are some thoughts on transforming your site into a proper sales funnel.

Sales Funnels Have Clear And Easy Navigation

sales-funnelA website funnel can be a single, easy-to-navigate page. Complicated site structures are not ideal.

So, if there are ten-plus different links in your website navigation bar, you have work to do.

Complex site structures like that are a maze of clicking and searching for visitors trying to find what they need.

And the maze turns into a nightmare on a mobile device! You only have 10-20 seconds to capture a visitor’s attention. They will not find what they need if they click through confusing navigation. The result is they end up leaving your website to look elsewhere.

Mobile Optimization Of Any Funnel Is Mandatory

With a funnel, you solve this issue by making it simple for your web visitors and prospects to scroll seamlessly down the page. This way, they can quickly get all the information they need about your brand, what you stand for, the value you provide, and why your business offers them the best solution compared to your competition. 

Not only does user-friendly scrolling make your website more straightforward to use overall, but it also makes your site mobile-friendly. Mobile users account for about 50% of all web traffic, so optimizing your site for mobile users is a huge opportunity to increase conversions.

Use CTAs To Guide Customers

Remember, a sales funnel uses numerous strategic calls-to-actions where they make the most sense along the way in a prospect’s buyer’s journey.

Think about it this way. Every potential customer wants the same thing. 

Easy-to-understand guidance leads them to the products and services they can buy now to solve a current problem. 

It is a universal truth that websites that bombard you with pushy offers before you have enough information to make a buying decision are annoying. Visitors leave, never to return, and another potential customer is lost forever.

Another common mistake is only providing a vague Contact Us form on your website rather than providing users with a specific solution for their current needs.

A lead magnet is an irresistible free offer that instantly delivers value to your prospects while positioning you as an industry leader they can trust with their business. It is one compelling tactic you can implement as a CTA.

Instead of making the same old mistakes, intentionally place up to ten CTAs on your website to help push potential customers naturally through your sales funnel. This way, you can always provide a helpful next step for your prospects at the right time. 

Strategizing your CTAs will improve the user experience for your audience. At the same time, you can look forward to gaining more email sign-ups, subscriptions, appointments, sales, and, most importantly — loyal customers.

Track Conversions To Improve

An important way to improve a website is to always be on the lookout for ways to improve it. With a funnel, you can analyze your website’s data, track the number of visitors that click through specific CTAs, and pinpoint the areas in your funnel that work well vs. the areas that could use improvement.

Another invaluable way to continue improving your sales funnel is to use A/B split testing. Doing this allows you to segment your web visitors, show each group a different variant of your website funnel, and use the resulting data to identify your audience’s best response strategies.

Get Help Here

Creating a website that implements all the proper strategies designed to convert your visitors into customers is no easy feat. If you are ready to earn more conversions with sales funnels, contact us today. We look forward to transforming your website into a streamlined funnel that turns over new conversions and revenue for your business.

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