Brand Strategy and Resource Allocation for Small Businesses

Companies are increasingly using online methods to market their products, instead of traditional print-based methods. This shift requires companies to be innovative in their approach to creating and managing marketing materials.

As consumer habits have shifted, digital marketing campaigns have responded. However, this has made managing marketing resources across all these different platforms and handling such a large number of assets very difficult.

Marketing resource management software can help you get the most out of your marketing efforts by making it easier for your team to manage its assets. This can lead to better results for your organization as a whole.

What Is Marketing Resource Management (MRM)? 

Marketing resource management (MRM) is a process whereby marketing resources are identified, catalogued, and where possible, made accessible to marketing personnel. The goal of MRM is to increase the efficiency of marketing operations by making it easier for marketing staff to find and use the resources they need.

If you want to ensure that your marketing assets are used correctly and optimally, you need to manage them effectively.

What is a Marketing Resource? 

No matter what kind of business you have, you need to have some kind of marketing resources available to you in order to reach your target audience. These can be anything from physical materials like flyers and brochures, to digital assets like website copy and blog posts. As long as it features your company’s branding, visuals, tone of voice, or imagery, it can be considered a marketing resource.

What Is Marketing Resource Management Software?

Marketing resource management (MRM) software is designed to make it easier to create sophisticated, intelligent marketing campaigns. MRM tools simplify the following processes:  

MRM software allows you to centrally store and manage all your marketing resources, making it easier and more efficient to distribute these resources to various marketing teams or individuals. This way, everyone has access to the same latest versions of marketing materials, and you can track and monitor who is using what resources and when.

Strategies for marketing resources can help improve how resources are used and also save on costs in the future.

Well managed marketing resources are the best way to achieve successful brand consistency and compliance.

Implementing MRM software into your marketing operation has numerous advantages, including increased efficiency and productivity, streamlined workflows, and improved collaboration on marketing projects (both internally and externally), which ultimately saves the company time.

What Does Marketing Resource Management Software Provide? 

Couldn’t you try and achieve these benefits without new software?

The marketing world is complicated and it is difficult to manage marketing strategies that are expansive and detailed.

The text is discussing the many different aspects of marketing asset management. This includes planning and organizing the assets, as well as monitoring and tracking their usage. This is important in order to ensure that the assets are being used correctly and efficiently.

This software not only makes the process easier, but also provides you with a variety of marketing tools.

The tools that MRM software solutions offer marketers include:

Below we provide more details about the MRM software options that are at the top of the market.

Process for Managing Your Marketing Resources

We have created an example of a process for marketing resource management that can be adjusted to best fit your marketing team’s needs.

Planning and Budgeting 

Start by outlining your marketing strategy before creating any new marketing content. Work with your marketing team to create a media plan as the first step of any marketing resource management strategy.

This marketing plan should include information on what assets will be used, any new marketing resources required, how they will be used, and how resources should be allocated. Additionally, it should contain strategies and the end goal that you are hoping to achieve through these marketing efforts. This plan should have a set timeframe, such as the next quarter or the entire year.

Content Creation 

To start, look over your new media plan and see if there’s anything you’re missing that you’ll need for it. Make a list of all the things you’ll need to update or create, then get started on making that content.

Content should be stored in online, cloud-based storage in clearly identified folders that hold the newest or most updated versions.

Content Review and Approval 

A strong and consistent content review and approval process is key to creating effective marketing resources. Content governance helps to ensure that all marketing materials are high quality and meet your brand guidelines.

Filestage makes it easier to review and approve content by allowing users to leave and discuss feedback directly on the file. Once everyone is happy with the content, the file can be formally assigned with just one click.

Filestage provides an easy and efficient way for people to give and receive feedback while reducing errors. Real-time collaboration is made easy, and compliance with guidelines is ensured.

Store, Share, or Publish the Content  

Once the new piece of marketing content has been reviewed, edited, and approved, it is ready to be shared with your audience. The completed content can be uploaded to the cloud-based storage system in the appropriate folder.

The content you create can be immediately published or shared through the channels you’ve selected as part of your marketing strategy. For example, you might update your website, post on social media, send an email campaign, or launch a new marketing campaign.

What Is Small Business Marketing?

Small business marketing is the process of increasing the visibility of your products or services to potential customers.

The goal of this set of strategies is to grow revenue and expand market share for small businesses. There are online and offline strategies included, but the main objective is to help the business succeed.

Challenges Of Marketing Small Businesses

Small businesses have to deal with different marketing challenges than larger enterprise brands.

If you don’t have a dedicated marketing expert on your small business’s team, it’s especially important to be careful with your marketing.

Lack Of Resources

Because small businesses can’t always afford to hire an in-house marketer or have the time to devote to strategic marketing, they may need to outsource these services.

To effectively market on a budget, you need to spend time researching technology, trying different marketing tactics, and monitoring how well your campaigns are performing.

Smaller Budgets

If you are like most small business owners, you have a tight budget for marketing.

Small business owners often spend more money than they can afford on digital marketing, resulting in wasted money.

Some businesses may not invest their digital marketing budget in the most effective channels.

Competition From Larger Brands

Even though you may be a small business, you are still competing against larger businesses that have more name recognition and a stronger digital presence.

If a large brand runs an advertisement, they will likely get more clicks than a smaller brand because people are more familiar with the larger brand.

Google typically ranks websites with more authority and a trusted reputation higher when using organic SEO.

Adapting To Trends and Technologies

The digital marketing landscape is competitive!

It can be hard for a small business to change their methods to match new search algorithms, the increasing cost of clicks, and more.

Small businesses can still make a profit off their products and services, even though it may be difficult.

Getting Started With Small Business Marketing

You should not spend money on marketing your small business until you have set up measures for success.

There are some things you need to do before starting your first marketing campaign.

Know Your Audience

It is important to understand who your target audience is before you start spending money to reach them.

Determining your small business’ target audience can be helped by creating audience personas.

In addition to this, you should also consider where your target market is most likely to be found and how your product or service can help to solve their problems.

Creating multiple audience personas is the foundation for your marketing strategy.

This will assist you in determining the most effective messaging and channels to reach your target customers or clients.

Refine Your Messaging

Once you understand your audience and what they need, as well as how your products or services can help them solve their problem, you can begin to create powerful, effective messaging.

The purpose of your messaging may be to educate customers, show value, display authority or expertise, differentiate from competitors, etc.

The number and scope of your products and services will determine how many messages you will have to create to reach your different audience personas more effectively.

Determine Your Budget

If you want to save money on marketing, you need to plan ahead and be strategic about it.

Some marketing channels are pricier than others.

It is important to figure out how much money you are willing and not willing to spend before starting any campaigns.

Setup Your Analytics

Before beginning any digital marketing campaign, you must first gauge its potential effectiveness.

There are many analytics tools available, but if you’re new to using them, start with these two platforms.

An email marketing platform or a customer relationship management platform may be something to invest in as your small business marketing strategy expands.

Although there are other options available, the two free platforms mentioned can help you get started.

Best Marketing Channels For Small Business

The most important aspect of your marketing strategy will be to identify which channels are most effective for your small business and the target audience you are trying to reach.

Some channels will be more expensive than others.

Some will produce results more quickly.

There are advantages and disadvantages to every marketing channel, and none of them are guaranteed to generate income for your small business.

Small businesses often find the below channels to be ideal because they are effective, durable, and affordable.

Content Marketing

Content marketing should be the foundation of your marketing efforts.

Any extra channels won’t be effective unless there is great content.

The content on your website helps to inform potential customers about your products or services before they make a purchase. This can include your homepage, landing pages, product pages, blogs, social media posts, advertisements, or anything else your potential customers might engage with. By providing helpful and relevant information, you can increase the chance that a potential customer will choose your business when they are ready to make a purchase.

The quality of your content is important to make sure it is relevant to your target audience and meets their needs.

Creating quality content will provide you with long-term assets you can use in different marketing channels, helping to improve your brand recognition, expertise, and authority.


The process of making your small business website more likely to come up as a result of an online search is called search engine optimization.

When internet users want to find new products and services, they usually turn to a search engine.

If your small business website appears when users search for relevant keywords, it could result in more potential customers clicking through to your website.

More people will be looking at your products, making appointments, or consulting with you.

SEO, however, is multidisciplinary.

The most important aspects of SEO for small businesses to prioritize are: 1. Creating quality content 2. Doing keyword research 3. Optimizing your website for mobile 4. Promoting your content 5. Analyzing your traffic and results

On-Page SEO

This process includes optimizing your website’s title tags, meta descriptions, header tags, and images. On-page SEO is the process of optimizing individual web pages so that they rank higher for relevant keywords. This includes optimizing your website’s title tags, meta descriptions, header tags, and images.

Each web page on your website has the opportunity to rank in search engine results.

You can either do on-page SEO yourself in your CMS, or you can hire an SEO provider or digital marketing agency to do it for you.

On-page SEO is a good way to start improving your organic search results. It may take some time, but it can help you get more clicks and impressions.

Local SEO

If your small business has a physical location or if it serves a specific geographic area, local SEO strategies can help your website appear in the Google Map Pack and in location-based searches.

Site Speed Optimization

Your website’s performance impacts your ranking in search engine results.


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